Course curriculum

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    • Welcome: How to use the course
    • Audio script for videos
    • Checklist
    • Guide: A Principles-based Approach to Supporting LINC Learners
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    • Understanding Reflexivity
    • Quiz: Adopting a growth-mindset
    • Reflexivity Approaches
    • Task: Create an institutional culture of lifelong learning (M&C)
    • Strategy: Sustain reflexivity as an ongoing practice
    • Task: Sustain reflexivity as an ongoing practice
    • Strategy: Make space for reflexive practices (M&C)
    • Task: Make space for the reflexive practices of your team (M&C)
    • Strategy: Build and support a CoP
    • Task: Build and support a CoP
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    • Understanding Awareness
    • Quiz: Expanding upon the stories we know
    • Awareness Approaches
    • Task: Learn about learners' needs and strengths
    • Task: Support opportunities to learn and share about learners (M&C)
    • Strategy: Balance language outcomes with other settlement outcomes
    • Quiz: Settlement Logic Model
    • Quiz: Settlement Logic Model
    • Task: Balance language outcomes with other settlement outcomes
    • Strategies: Use resources and engage in learning about equity and justice
    • Task: Support instructors & staff with a wide range of resources & responses (M&C)
    • Case Studies and Resources
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    Empathic Communication

    • Understanding Empathy
    • Quiz: Empathic behaviour
    • Empathy Approaches
    • Task: Engage in active listening skills
    • Strategy: Know what to do if a situation escalates
    • Task: Know what to do if a situation escalates
    • Strategies: Be accountable for harm done & create connections beyond the classroom
    • Task: Create connections for learners beyond the classroom
    • Strategy: Create guidelines and processes for difficult situations (M&C)
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    Conclusion & Evaluation

    • AMSSA LINC Support
    • Acknowledgements & Attributions
    • Evaluation